Bacillus velezensis CC112 inhibited the mycelial growth of several plant pathogens including Rhizoctonia solani causing damping-off on ginseng. Control efficacy for Rhizoctonia solani by treatment of seed dipping with Luria-Bertani (LB) and Bacillus-soytone medium (BSM) broth diluted in 10 times, and mixing treatment of seed dipping and soil drenching with LB broth diluted in 10 times of B. velezensis CC112 was 65.8%, 67.1%, and 64.2%, respectively. Treatment of soil drenching with 100 times of the prototype of B. velezensis CC112 for Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium sp. revealed control efficacy of 77.3% and 65.7%, respectively. As a result, B. velezensis CC112 could be a prospective biofungicide for biological control of ginseng damping off.